The purpose of a property landing page: generate leads. Without generating new leads, your business is unlikely to become successful. Create a web page for marketing purposes to capture information via a contact form. This could be linked to your website or be a stand alone web page for a specific campaign. Another source such as an email campaign, social media post etc will lead your potential client to the landing page.
I’m sure you are aware that every customer/client is different, from experience and knowledge. To reach out to a certain audience or put emphasis on a campaign that you are currently running, the quality property landing page will help you so much. In particular, a landing page allows you to customise a contact page to add anything you wish, rather than direct users to your general contact form on your website. This can also help you track where enquiries are coming from and what works for your target audience.
The headline is very important that will affect the audiences. Use a catchy headline so users want to stay more time on the page and enquire. As a heading, you can use open questions to generate more users. Using short, catchy emotionally capturing messages using your target keywords is highly recommended, it can help boost your rankings as well as conversions. Your property landing page headline will be the first thing users will see, so make sure you take the time to think of the message you want to get across to your specific target audience.
Simple design, use your logo and your branding to portray consistency and professionalism. Make sure you use the white space optimally as you don’t want too much going on the page to distract the user from enquiring.
Beside that, color is one of the most studied marketing aspects that influence the psychology behind decision-making. Colours of buttons on your landing page can influence a users purchasing decision. Here are some top button colour examples that you should use include: Red, Orange, Bright blue, Purple, Bright pink, Yellow.
Not only having the elegant design for your website, with PropertyBoom, you will find more than that. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
A property landing page should be easy and quick to read. Do not include too much content which will take the user a long time to read. The aim of a landing page is to capture information. Keep the content is simple and focus on the point, avoid jargon.
We are experts at conversion rate optimisation (CRO), this means we know exactly where to place your content. Calls to Actions (CTAs), what colours will make the most impact and much more!. If you’re looking for the perfect website with the latest CRO techniques included, check out our Property Website Design package here.
It is essential that your property landing page is fully operational on a mobile and tablet as well as a desktop. The number shown that over 52% of global online traffic coming through a mobile device. Failing to make your landing page responsive is like hanging up on 50% of your enquiries!
Don’t bore the user by having too many fields to fill in. Ask for as little information as possible. When you make first contact with them, you can have more additional information later. Make it long, the user may left a contact form unfinished.
If it has more than 3 fields and has a phone number field, a user is more reluctant to submit a form, based on our experience. Initially you just need to gather some information of users who are interested in your products or service. For instance, asking for their Name and email address. It is a good starting point to touch base. From here you can later ask the potential customer/client for their contact number if you both wish to discuss things over to phone.
Once the form is submitted, there should be a clear message to indicate that the user has submitted the form with an auto email response to say that someone will be in touch shortly. Adding a personalised touch such as the recipients name can increase trust even more.
This property landing page offers many benefits. It includes personalisation, the ‘book your session’ button stands out (CRO implementation), includes testimonials and the heading/ content gets straight to the point. This clear, consistent and simple page has resulted in many enquiries and will result in more.
At, we are different from many other propertywebsite design agent, we provide a comprehensive of property marketing package. Make your property landing page is attracted, optimize the search engine tools as well as get more leads are the most concern of us. Contact us today!