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How To Use Hashtags On Social Media To Promote Property Website

How To Use Hashtags On Social Media To Promote Property Website
Property website marketing has important factors to get more efficient in business activities, they are social media like Instagram, Twitter and Google+, especially Facebook is the most popular used platforms. Sharing regular property listings and attracted information from property website to social media can give you more interaction. however, you can get more benefits. Your real estate website can reach more people by sharing posts on social media with hashtags which preceded by the #. You probably used some of the hashtags and give meaning context. What you might not discover is that these hashtags can bring a post endurance and higher reach.

What are hashtags?

Hashtags are key phrases or keywords that can link users to relevant posts by other, although they don't follow the each other. They operate as a virtual filing system that collects related or similar content for easy interaction.

hashtags for property website

How can hashtags be used effectively?

Consider this hashtags in the situation of social media marketing planning. By using direct and suitable hashtags, you can connect to potential customers who are liked in what you have to sell and offer.
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1. Keep hashtags simple and short

This brings them easier and searchable to use. Hashtags also bring your customers a great idea of what is your business and how you can help them. Here are some popular hashtags that every property agent must know when sharing property website to social media post:
  • #Property
  • #RealEstate
  • #Realtor
  • #PropertyWebsite
  • #RealEstateWebsite
  • #Properties
  • #Listing
  • #HomesForSale
  • #OpenHouse
  • #Housing
In addition, hashtags can use to show your place or project name such as #Singapore, #LeQuest, #MartinModern, #NewFuture, #Santorini or hashtags which mentioned to the district. A searcher who may be want to move will use hashtags to find out more information about the location. Also, you can use hashtags to highlight a promotion on your website like #AgentImageRealty, #OpenHouse.

2. Use a combination of hashtags

combination of hashtags

Sharing property website to social media will increase website traffic and you can get right customers by using right hashtags. A practice is to use more than two hashtags in a post to complete a message and to reach more customers. You can use #CondoForSale and #District1 to let customers know your website has a listing of the condo in District 1 area. You can use more hashtags to express about the spotlight of your project like #Luxurious, #Re-sale, #MillionDollarListing. But do not use too many hashtags, so it could make an impression that you are spamming.

3. Be creative

Don't limit hashtags to the most popular keywords in real estate industry and basic. You can share pictures of riverside property from your website to social media with hashtags #Riverside, #Sunset, #RiverView.

4. Test a hashtag before use it

You should identify that it is not currently being taken for the different purpose or negative reasons. Also, study about hashtagging guidelines like not using special characters or spaces.

5. Use hashtags across various social media platforms

hashtags on real estate website

Hashtags come from Twitter, so they’re most popular on this site, but you can use on Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Youtube, Pinterest and other social media. Remember that, some social media websites may have the limitation that could affect to your hashtags. For example, Twitter allows only 140 characters, so you can't get too many hashtags.

6. Use hashtags to connect with other people

Keep in though, social media is a two-way street. Hashtags are used by people who want their post to be found and their interests may be like yours. Liking a picture on Instagram can lead to a more engagement, which might just end up in a successful transaction. In addition, engaging with people on social media site, you are catching attraction to your property website which could lastly translate to more sales.

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