Real estate website design is specialist industry, so your website must perform to get the highest level requirement to meets some criteria. Some features will get you on the way to getting the best real estate website. This easy guide shows you what you need to make your website become better.
Property website must be mobile friendly
The imperative is that your real estate website needs to viewable and responsive on every technology device. According to BBC watchdog report, the UK mobile internet browsing access has higher than desktop browsing.

People bring their phones every where and if they can not access to your website to view properties listing, they will not come to you.
Having property website accessible on every device will generate the number of customers to your website and therefore raise the chance to take potential leads that every real estate agents want.
Website has to be well designed
In the
real estate website world, trends change every period. It is come and go but makes sure that your website is always up to date with the newest trends. For example, the current trends of this moments are using videos and big pictures.
Large corporate companies should use this practice, the visitors will get used to this features and if your property website isn't up to date, so it will lead to bad effect for your brand image. Building a beautiful design will not bring all of your property websites but it is a very important step toward the success.
The user experience should be well considered

Real estate website having a beautiful design is really good, but you should focus on the user experience of the property website. Website design will have some trouble for functionality, so you must engaging with an expert website design agency to find out how to manage the design and functionality to build a good user experience.
The search engine tool will create a positive user experience, when visitors search a website using the search bar it should all about designed around them. For example,
one of the first things that visitors see on a real estate website homepage should be the search bar with different filters.
It has to have CTA's that stand out
Property website is a service website, so it needs "calls to action" functional. This is buttons or boxes to attract visitors into submit a registration form or sign up for property alerts. This is how you take a return on investment activities from the website and if it not used for the right role, the cost could be increased every month.
With many experiences in website design, Property Boom knows how to these "call to actions" should use and where it should be placed in easy reach to customers. The size, colours, language and shape of them are making a big difference. If you are not using a "call to actions" or not effective use them, the website will missing key features to success.
It must integrate social media and blogs

Creating content on property blogs and social media are very important in this modern day, because:
- It keeps your visitors connected and allows them to see that you are not only a group of people who sell houses, it also adds your personality.
- It improves your SEO activities, being ranked highly on Google can help more people see your website. So, you should post content and build back links to your website to take good point with Google and your property website will move up the rankings.
Fast page loading speeds
Visitors will frustrate if they are finding the right property website but it takes 10 seconds for a pages load speed. The modern consumer is more impatient, so never let your pages to be taking more than 2 seconds to load. If there are many large pictures, make sure they just take 3 seconds to load. If your property website is old, the code will be slowing the loading speed. Check out
PageSpeed Test Tools For Optimizing Property Website Design for more information.
Informative and engaging content
You should make sure that your content is engaging but not spammed with keywords overload. You must understand what would visitors see when they come to your website as looking to buy or sell a property. Don't waste any valuable space on the website, you should bring more useful information for customers.
Property Boom will support you to get more lead, generate your success. Check Our Work to know more details or take a look at Price to enjoy the best price listing.
Applicant capturing software that works for you
Generates your return on investment by using the lead capturing software. Property Boom can create an applicant capture software which allows users to submit their information when they search, so they can be sent property listings when ones matching their criteria.
Join with Property Boom
If you are looking at real estate website and wondering how to have any of these features? It is probably time to make Property Boom a call.
Contact us today to discuss your requirements and demands for your website.