Real estate website should evaluate how much of an impact its makes, in terms of visibility on the search engines, information, design and ease of use. According to users experiences, after about 3 years is the suitable time to re-design your property website and online marketing activities. So, what are some of the tips you should consider before re-design website? Here are some factors you must remember.
Identify current real estate website weaknesses
Real estate website developed before 2007 has a variety of things that can improve in quickly and easily way, at this time. Gathering of information and feedback from your customers, partners, friends and family to make sense of things that you may not recognise, it never too hard to take a look for every detail and see things you may have missed. Check these questions below:
- Does this website look beautiful and is it easy to find information people are looking for? How does it look on the computer such as PC, Mac and different platforms like mobile devices?
- How does it compare to your competitors’ real estate websites?
- Does it get a lot of traffic every month? Do customer submit forms requesting more information? How often?
- Where does your real estate website rank for main keywords? What would users type into a search engine and hopefully find your business?
- How current is the information on your real estate website?
Refresh real estate website with new and modern design
Real estate website template is one of the most important factors that need to upgrade when re-designing the website. Many people decided to choose the pre-designed or default template, but the big advice is that you should find a website designer or agents.
Your website will help you to introduce your business and your portfolio to customers. This is the reason why a custom design will represent your business better than a pre-designed template, an experience designer will know to express your business unique, strengths. It also gives a clear and easy to navigate website design.

Do not design your real estate website based on your preferences. Your website is a channel to impress your clients and expectantly bring in more business, so an experience designer will build it in the competitive and nice, not something that has just only you like it.
Start using a Content Management System (CMS)
real estate website is still simple HTML website, so it needs a content management system to update content, add new pages and basically, keep it up to date. A Content Management System is very important to
real estate agency management. It allows you the ability to edit all content information, add new pages, product categories and products if you have a property project or listing.
There are some of the website design sources provide Content Management System such as Drupal, Joomla and WordPress, they are can help you save the amount of money in your website design process. The big advantage is that you never to wait for updates to be implemented and never have to pay for your website design to update your website content.
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If your real estate website is old and did not have a Content Management System, it is the suitable time to get one and save all that maintenance money which you must pay for your website designer to maintain your website.
Raise your visibility on Search Engines and Social Media

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is also very important. The point is that your real estate website needs to find in searches on Google, and Search engine optimisation reaches that. Your website should identify the main keywords, key phrases that customer would search on Google to find your business. You should hire a search engine optimisation company to get you started.
Social Media has become popular because of the ‘viral’ effect, if you post, share something interesting on your Facebook or Twitter, people who follow you will reach it, like it or re-tweet it. By doing this, your post can reach a number of potential customers. If you haven’t already started using social media platforms, make sure to include links to them on your real estate website.
Keep your website updated with all latest information and offers

You have a Content Management System to up to date with all latest information, promotions and offers. You should leave your content stagnant such as remove expired offers, update new offers and promotions.
Let's started with blog categories on your website with posting all the lasted things about your company, advice and helpful tip related to your business.
Re-design your real estate website with Property Boom
Property Boom is a professional in real estate website design in Singapore. Proudly to be experienced property website design agent, also provided marketing plan and strategy. We are your best partner.